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Bering Air operates regular cargo and passenger flights to and from the village of Deering.

Population: 165

Location: At the mouth of the Inmachuck River on Kotzebue Sound, 57 miles southwest of Kotzebue.

Long cool winters and cool summers.
Average annual precipitation is 9 inches, with about 35 inches of snowfall.

Visitor Facilities:
Accommodations available with kitchen facilities at the
Deering Multi-purpose Facility (907)363-2136. Laundromat available.
There are two stores: Deering Native Store, and Ashley Pay's Store.

City of Deering, P.O. Box 36049, Deering, AK 99736. (907)363-2136 or (907)363-2110.

Village Agent:
Ruth Ann & Bruce Barr (907)363-2235

For reservations, call 1-800-478-3943 or (907)442-3943


Click for Deering, Alaska Forecast


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