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White Mountain

Bering Air operates regular passenger and cargo flights to the village of  White Mountain.

Population: 209

Location: On the west bank of the Fish River, on the Seward Peninsula, 63 miles east of Nome.

Transitional climate, with less extreme seasonal and daily temperatures. Continental influences prevail in the ice-bound winter. Average summer temperatures range from 41 to 61 degrees F. Winter temperatures are between -7 and 15 degrees.. Annual precipitation is 15 inches.

Visitor Facilities:
City of White Mountain has sleeping accommodations for two available, with kitchen facilities and shower.  However, this is taken up by Iditarod personnel for approximately two weeks during the second and third weeks in March. Lodging at the EDA Building is available-contact phone is 638-2225. Breakfast and lunch are available at the school at minimal cost.  No banking services.  Laundromat and showers are available.  Groceries and supplies are available at the White Mountain ANICA store.

Contact: City of White Mountain, P.O. Box 130, White Mountain, AK 99784. (907)638-3411

Village Agent:
 Sean Bergamaschi (907)638-2209

For reservations, call (907)443-5464 or 1-800-478-5422

Retired agent: Robert "Honuck" & Enid Lincoln





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