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Bering Air operates regular passenger and cargo flights to the village of Wales.

Population: 173

Location: On Cape Prince of Wales, at the western tip of the Seward Peninsula, 111 miles northwest of Nome.

Maritime climate when the Bering Strait is ice-free, usually June through November. After the freeze, there is an abrupt change to a cold continental climate. Average summer temperatures range from 40 to 50 degrees F. Winter temperatures range from -10 to 6 degrees. Annual precipitation is 10 inches. Frequent fog, wind, and blizzards limit access to Wales

Visitor Facilities:
Accommodations may be arranged in a trailer at the Wales Native Corporation [(907)664-3641], or in a room at the City of Wales Dome building. The IRA has 3 apartments, phone: (907)664-3062. No restaurant or banking services. Laundromat and showers are available. There are two stores in the village, Wales Native Store and Wales Corporation Store.

City of Wales, P.O. Box 489, Wales, AK 99783. (907)664-3501

Village Agent: Ray and Debra Seetook (907)664-3371

For reservations, call (907)443-5464 or 1-800-478-5422

Click for Wales, Alaska Forecast

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