Bering Air operates regular cargo and passenger flights to the village of Teller.
Population: 274
Location: On the Seward Peninsula, on a spit between Port Clarence and Grantley Harbor, 72 miles northwest of Nome.
Climate: Maritime when the sea is ice-free, and changes to a more "inland" climate after the sea freezes. Average summer temperatures range from 44 to 57 degrees F. Winter temperatures average between -9 and 8 degrees. Annual precipitation is 11.5 inches..
Visitor Facilities: No hotel, restaurant or banking services. Visitors can arrange accommodations at the school. Laundromat and showers available. There are two stores, Teller Native Store and Grantley Harbor Tours. Teller Native Cab and Strom's Cab are the two local cab companies. There is a Bed and Breakfast in town. An 80-mile road connects Teller to Nome, but is not maintained in the winter.
Contact: City of Teller, P.O. Box 548, Teller, AK, 99778. (907)642-4011
Village Agent: Hazel Menadelook (907)642-3351
For reservations, call (907)443-5464 or 1-800-478-5422