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Bering Air operates regular passenger and cargo flights to the village of Shishmaref.

Population: Over 600

Location: On Sarichef Island, between Shishmaref Inlet and the Chukchi Sea, 120 miles north of Nome, 100 miles southwest of Kotzebue

: Subarctic to Arctic, average winter snowfall of 33 inches. Winter temperatures average -10 degrees to 4 degrees F. Spring and summertime temperatures running near 50 degrees F. Average annual precipitation: 8 inches.

Visitor Facilities:
Rooms may be rented through the Nayokpuk General Store (phone: 649-3191), in private homes, or on the local school floor. Call or write for more information. There are no banking services. Washeteria is available, and general goods may be purchased at Nayokpuk's General Store. Visit Shishmaref Native Store.

Things to do in Shishmaref:
Visit the Tannery and buy a pair of slippers or mukluks. Visit the Melvin Olanna Carving Center. Go to the Nayokpuk General Store or the Shishmaref Native Store. Take a walk on the beach and watch out for polar bears. Participate in the Shishmaref Carnival in April (dog races, basketball tournaments, etc.) - contact the City of Shishmaref for more information.

Contact: City of Shishmaref, General Delivery, Shishmaref, AK 99772. (907)649-3781

Village Agent: Dennis Sinnok (907)649-4211 or (907)639-1150

For reservations, call (907)443-5464 or 1-800-478-5422


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